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Florida Lawyer Jim Martin Blog

When Is A Gate Allowed On A Driveway Easement In Florida?
James W. Martin

Suppose you own a piece of land. Suppose your only access to it is a driveway easement across your neighbor’s land. Suppose the easement says you get “free and unencumbered access” to use the driveway. Now suppose your neighbor puts an unlocked gate across it. Most people would think that violates the easement. But not…

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Sister Allegedly Failed To File Father’s Will Within 10 Days After Death
James W. Martin

If you are holding a Florida resident’s last will and testament, you have just ten days to file it with the Clerk of Court after you learn of the death. That’s Florida law. It applies to the original of the will, not copies. In a recent case, a daughter allegedly failed to file an original…

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To Form A Florida Nonprofit Corporation Takes More Than What’s Online
James W. Martin

It looks easy to form a nonprofit corporation in Florida: just go to www.sunbiz.org, select online filing of a Florida nonprofit corporation, pay the filing fee by credit card, and BAM! you’ve got your Florida nonprofit corporation. But a Florida nonprofit lawyer will tell you that you are missing some things. The online filing of…

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We Must Draft Contracts Using Fewer Words: Ones The Kids Know
James W. Martin

Experts report that teenagers know just 800 words but should know 40,000. These future contract signers have grown up on Facebook, Twitter and cellphone texting. They might not understand the words that Florida contract lawyers draft. Therefore, we must draft contracts with fewer words. The ones the kids know. Retired Villanova law professor Michael Walsh,…

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Has Your Florida Corporation Held Its Annual Meeting Yet?
James W. Martin

It’s important for all Florida corporations to hold an annual meeting of shareholders and an annual meeting of directors. Even if it’s not a Fortune 500 company. Even if it has just one shareholder. Why? To elect directors and officers, review annual financial statements, and do the other things that corporation shareholders and corporation directors…

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