Florida Business Lawyer

Welcome to St. Petersburg lawyer James W. Martin, P.A., who practices Florida real estate, wills, trusts and probate law and advises his clients on contracts, corporations, and LLC law affecting them. He has written nationally-published legal forms books and articles on these subjects

A Pinellas County Florida resident might own an LLC or a corporation to operate a business. When the resident dies, the LLC or corporation may become an asset of the resident’s probate estate or trust. St. Petersburg, Pinellas County, Florida attorney James W. Martin has extensive knowledge and experience with business, LLC, corporate, real estate, probate and trust law in Florida, and he has written law books and articles in these practice areas. He is also Board Certified in Real Estate Law by The Florida Bar Board of Legal Specialization and Education.


Florida recognizes multiple forms of business entities. The most common is an LLC, which stands for limited liability company. Today there are almost two million LLCs registered in Florida. The second most common entity is a corporation, and today there are about one million corporations registered in Florida.

LLCs and corporations are formed by filing articles with the Florida Division of Corporations. The state allows this to be done online, but the forms provided by the state do not include all of the forms that an LLC or corporation should have. For example, the state does not provide an operating agreement for an LLC or the bylaws and stock certificates for a corporation or membership certificates for a nonprofit corporation. So, forming an LLC or corporation in Florida is best left to attorneys rather than doing it yourself.

James W. Martin has written seven volumes of legal forms on Florida business entities and nonprofit organizations, including these books available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Apple, and Google:


Most business relationships include contracts. They might be called customer agreements, order forms, employment agreements, independent contractor agreements, license agreements, buy-sell agreements, etc. All of them are contracts and are governed by contract law. Attorneys provide legal advice regarding contracts, as well as drafting contracts. James W. Martin has taught contract drafting for over ten years at Stetson University College of Law as an Adjunct Professor of Law, and he has written several volumes of contract forms books for lawyers.

Florida Business Law FAQ

The underlying legal concepts in Florida legal entity law for corporations, limited liability companies (LLCs), partnerships, and nonprofit corporations can make it difficult to understand the documents and terminology. So, St. Petersburg Pinellas County Florida attorney James W. Martin has written Florida Business Law FAQ that provides frequently asked questions and answers to explain concepts and words used in Florida LLC, corporation, and nonprofit corporation law.

Articles on Business Entities and Contract Drafting

James W. Martin has also written articles published by the American Law Institute and The Florida Bar regarding business entities and contract drafting, which are available as downloads on the Attorney Profile page for James W. Martin.

Other Practice Areas

This page relates to one of the practice areas of St. Petersburg, Pinellas County, Florida lawyer James W. Martin. For other practice areas, click here.


If you have the need for a Florida lawyer to advise you concerning legal entities and business law, you may use the contact form below or call James W. Martin directly at 727-821-0904 or email him at jim@jamesmartinpa.com .

The text on this page was written by James W. Martin, Esq. and was last updated on January 23, 2025.

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